How to Style Cargo Pants
As you may have noticed – I never wear anything that is uncomfortable! Comfort is the number one thing I look for when buying clothes because when you are uncomfortable it makes your confidence sway. Everyone should be confident in themselves as a person because nothing holds you back like your own insecurities! This a huge lesson I have been learning for a while especially starting this blog.
I want to be a beautiful person on the inside and have confidence to accept my “flaws”, let my creativity run free wherever it might take me, and be inspired by anything and everything! Right now, I am struggling with the normalities of what a “twenty-something should be doing” at this point in their lives. I’ve checked off the boxes of getting married and finishing my bachelors degree – but what I’ve chosen to do with those two aspects of life is completely different than most people. My hubby and I don’t want kids right now or even in the near future – I’ve been telling everyone “about 5 years” for about 3 years now.. We have so much more we want to accomplish like traveling THE WORLD having adventures being young and free and just enjoying each other’s company for as long as we want. But the pressure does get to me sometimes – What am I doing? What am I missing out on in life? I have friends that don’t understand and a family that seemingly doesn’t even know what I do for a living. I’ve used my bachelors degree to create something of my own instead of working for someone else or a big company. It is a lot harder than I imagined, but in the end it is so much more fulfilling to me. I am such an ambitious person and focus a lot on goals so this business has been so stressful for me, but luckily I have my husband who I can run to and reassures me why I do this in the first place.
I love the quote “I’ve taken the road less traveled and that has made all of the difference.” This perfectly sums up my life – I don’t have a “normal” life or a “normal” job, but I think that is what makes me, me. I have such a different outlook on life than most so it makes sense for me to pave my own path with my blog, photography and personal choices. So I strive every day to remind my self of my beauty, creativity and inspiration whether than comes in the form of a photograph, an outfit, a recipe, a quote or just a feeling of being confident. This blog and brand represents everything I believe in and I hope that it can inspire others to go for their dreams and take the road less traveled on their path.
How to style Cargo Pants

I found these cargo pants at an outlet for $10 about 4 years ago! I love these suckers! I typically pair them with a sandal, but these cute red flats brought out the spring color in my lightweight scarf from Three Bird Nest. Spring is just around the corner – fun, bright colors are my favorite to accessorize with. A pop of color as a shoes, scarf or handbag can really transform your entire outfit. Typically, my outfits are centered around accessories. I love to wear neutrals or basics and create the outfit using necklaces, bracelets, scarfs, rings, etc.! I wasn’t so sure about my leather cuff – don’t get me wrong I love it, but paired with the cargo pants I thought it might look more masculine than I was going for. I decided to wear the leather cuff, but balance out the masculine with some more dainty, soft pieces of jewelry like my rings from 2020ave and bracelet from Brickyard Buffalo. Does anyone love cargo pants as much as me? I am on the search for a navy pair! To the thrift stores I go! :]
I am so excited for spring to arrive – I have so many things in store as far as fun cocktails, recipes and great DIY projects! Stay tuned and stay inspired!