Dessert Sushi Recipe for the Gilmore Girls Revival
This dessert sushi recipe is perfect if you are throwing a Gilmore Girls themed watch party for the Netflix revival – which you should be! I am a HUGE Gilmore Girls fan and highly recommend the show to everyone. Even my husband loves it! Dessert sushi is the infamous snack Lorelai makes for Rory when her trip to Asia with Logan is postponed. Lorelei turns their house in to a Gilmore Girls version of Asia with tons of fun decor and tons of course tons of candy and desserts!
Gilmore Girls are all about their snacks and yummy foods. Heck, Pop-tarts are even an acceptable appetizer for them! Check out this super easy, homemade pop-tart recipe I created! Dessert sushi is so easy to make and it turns out ridiculously cute.
As we were making each dessert sushi piece we ooh’d and ahh’d over its cuteness. We couldn’t help it! They turned out so good and were quite a hit! Be sure you are buying fruit by the foot and not fruit roll ups. I accidentally bought fruit roll ups instead of fruit by the foot. Fruit by the foot is the perfect width for a sushi roll so I recommend getting that instead of fruit roll ups which are just a large square. Dessert sushi is a great snack for any party, but especially a Gilmore Girls themed party. You have to try them out!
Dessert Sushi Recipe
Rice Crispy Treats
Swedish Fish
Fruit by the Foot
Marshmallow fluff (optional)
Flatten out the rice crispy treats and mold the rice crispy treat to resemble a sushi roll. You can create a variation of different sushi rolls. You can put the Swedish fish inside the rice crispy, roll it up and cover it with a fruit by the foot. Make ‘sashimi’ by rolling the rice crispy treat in to a ball and attach a Swedish fish to the top using a fruit by the foot. You can use marshmallow fluff as a “glue” if you need. The possibilities are endless! Get creative! Take a look at the fun dessert sushi we made below.