Gilmore Girls Inspired Coffee Cocktail Recipe from The Bitter Truth
I am obsessed with this coffee cocktail recipe from The Bitter Truth! They know how much I love Gilmore Girls (click here to see all my super fun Gilmore Girls posts including a GG Revival watch party & GG recipes!) so they sent me a revival survival kit with some fun Gilmore Girls inspired cocktail recipes with their Bitters Bar Pack. Seriously – how sweet!
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The Bitter Truth is an award winning German company that specializes in bitters, liqueurs & spirits. As a former (and sometimes current) bartender’s wife I have come to appreciate a great craft cocktail! Caleb is always experimenting and creating great concoctions for me so it was nice to be able to make him something for once. I surprised him with this yummy coffee cocktail recipe from The Bitter Truth.
Okay so I didn’t create this concoction, but I executed it! :P I did add a little special touch with the sprinkle of cinnamon on the top. I give myself 10 points and an E for effort. The Bitter Truth has so many great drink recipes on their website. Check out their cocktail recipes here! I can’t wait to try out the rest of the bitters with the Elderflower Liqueur & Pink Gin!!
On a side note – can you believe I convinced my husband to wear this shirt for my Gilmore Girls Watch Party shoot?! I DIE. SO HILARIOUS. He is such a champ.
Gilmore Girls Inspired Coffee Cocktail
“Meet me at Luke’s”
3/4 oz The Bitter Truth – Chocolate Bitters
2 oz Espresso
1 tsp Vanilla Sugar
1 oz Cream
Optional: Sprinkle with cinnamon!
Dissolve vanilla sugar in hot espresso. Add the chocolate bitters and ice cubes and shake until cold. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Top up with slightly whipped cream.