What I Wore in Nicaragua – Off-Shoulder Top Trend [Style]
It seems I was ahead of the trends when I wore this off-shoulder top in Nicaragua last year. I just loved how festive and flowy this top was and thought it would be perfect in Nicaragua’s hot climate. I had no clue that off-shoulder tops and dresses would take off like they have, but I can totally understand why. Off-shoulder tops and dresses are complimentary to every body type. Showing off your shoulders can put a little sexy in your outfit without baring too much skin. Personally, I’m not a fan of showing cleavage (or really any skin for that matter) so this is a great option for people like me to put a little va-va-vooom in their wardrobe. I paired this flowy crop top with some high-waisted white shorts I thrifted. My biggest insecurity is my chubby arms. I am working on it and trying to overcome my insecurities. This off-shoulder trend helps me feel more confident and carefree while I am in the process of hitting the gym trying to get these arms from flabby to fabulous.
Off-shoulder tops make me want to salsa and lay by the beach and drink cocktails. I am in serious need of a vacation. I just daydreamed about that way too long. :) We will actually be headed on a little mini-vacay at the beginning of April for our anniversary! I believe we are set to go to New Orleans for a couple of days. We mainly plan on eating our hearts outs with all of the delicious food there – I can’t complain about that! If you have been to New Orleans feel free to comment with some suggestions for our trip: things to do, eat, see, drink, etc. I’d love to hear what you have to say! I’ll be making a VLOG and several posts on our New Orleans trip (DUH!) so be sure to subscribe to the blog in the sidebar and subscribe on my new YouTube Channel!
This off-shoulder top is sold out (womp wompppp), but I’ve linked some other fun and equally amazing tops and dresses below! Be sure to check out the slideshow – if you click on the photo it will take you to the website where you can purchase it if you’d like.