Best Skincare Essentials for Long Haul Flights

When you are flying the air is typically all recycled which means it gets drier and drier and more and more stale with each hour that passes. Moisturizer is your best friend on long haul flight so I’ve complied all the best skincare essentials for long haul flights. You should take extra steps to lock in moisture while traveling. As a flight attendant I have found that these are my favorite products to travel with making sure that I take great care of my skin!
Best Skincare Essentials for Long Haul Flights
Hydrating Make-up Remover Wipes
First and foremost, take that makeup off! I know a lot of people are not comfortable without makeup, but nothing is worse for your skin than leaving it clogged with makeup on a long haul flight. You will most likely wake up disheveled with a breakout to start your vacation off bumpy – pun intended. 😉
I’m not a huge fan of make-up wipes (on a daily basis I use an oil cleanser to remove makeup if I wear any) because of the environmental factor, but when flying on a long haul flight it is inevitable that there will be circumstances out of your control. It is definitely more convenient to have makeup remover wipes in your bag. Please make sure your makeup wipes are biodegradable. These are my two favorite plant based & compostable make up wipes!
Hydrating Face Mist
I highly recommend carry a hydrating face mist to use on the plane. These two mists can give you the pick me up that you need mid flight.
Hydrating Face Mask
If you aren’t shy, whip out a face mask during flight too! I recommend after the service is done though so you don’t scare anyone and can feel at peace relaxing without interruptions. Sheet masks are the easiest way to get some extra moisture on your skin during flight. My favorite ones come in individual packets which makes them perfect for traveling. It is easy for clean up and you don’t have to go to the lavatory to wash it off.
Hydrating Lip Balm & Mask
It’s a fact that you will dry out on a long haul flight. For me, my lips are the worst. I am constantly drinking water and I slather on a lip remedy consistently because nobody wants dry, cracked lips on vacation! My favorite chapstick is this hint of mint and minerals. It is my go to chapstick because it goes on silky smooth, stays on and doesn’t have an overpowering flavor or smell. I also love this intense therapy lip balm too! You can also try a lip mask to give you extra oomph!
Best Skincare Essentials for Long Haul Flights
Moisturizing Lotion
You want to take care of your face, but don’t forget the rest of your skin! A good lotion is key to locking in moisture while flying. I have flown without any lotion and it was such a mistake. My hands felt awful and I even resorted to trying to put a little chapstick on my palms to refresh them. 🙈
Hair Oil
My hair is insanely long right now and the ends get dry and with dryness comes the static! I carry this hair oil with me to tame some of the frizziness – especially when I wake up from a 2 hour nap and I have airplane seat hair. 😳 A really unexpected way to deal with static is to use hand lotion. I know it sounds scary, but it totally works. When I don’t have static guard I take a small amount of lotion, rub it in my palms and distribute it lightly throughout the middle and ends of my hair.
Eye Drops
If you are a contact wearer or just get dry eyes I can’t recommend these eye drops enough. I travel with them since I had eye surgery to keep my eyes refreshed. Eye drops is something you can easily forget, but then when you need it you really NEED it.
Reusable Water Bottle & Electrolyte Powder
Last, but certainly not least, make sure you drink plenty of water! This is key to keeping yourself healthy while traveling and in general. If you don’t want to pay for airport water prices (I mean, who does) bring an empty water bottle. In most airports now, especially in the US, they have filtered water bottle refill stations. You can find these refill stations typically by the restrooms where you would find a normal water fountain. Remember you CAN bring a large *empty* water bottle through security. Most people think that is against tsa rules, but no, bringing the actual liquid is against tsa rules – not the empty bottle.
Check out my inflight essentials for every flight