The Avocado Factory in Bali
Bali is a foodie paradise. And while I’d love to call myself a foodie I don’t necessarily think a foodie is someone who eats like a 5 year old (like I do). I would love to be one of those gorgeous, fresh faced, vegan people who love veggies and fruit, but I am not. More power to those people – I completely envy you! One green thing I do like to eat: avocados! Duh, yall I am a half Mexican from Texas. So when I heard there was a restaurant dedicated to avocados (and that it was absolutely adorably instagram worthy) I had to make a stop there.
The restaurant has such a relaxed vibe and the decor is spot on. It is all open air with a cute deck overlooking a small rice field. While I will admit the service there was severely lacking we still had a good experience. I ended up ordering the avocado burger which seemed like the “safest” option for me, considering I do not have the healthiest appetite everything else seemed from another planet.
Typically, a complete meal to me is some meat, some sort of potatoes, and possibly another side preferably with cheese! HOLLA! Little did I realize an avocado burger was like an actual avocado as the burger. There was no meat. It was a patty-like avocado. While it was actually did have good flavor, I couldn’t get over the feeling that it was straight mush avocados as a replacement patty. I am a texture person when it comes to food. If it crunches in the wrong way or feels gross in my mouth (I’m looking at you slightly chewed bananas) I just simply can’t get past it.

I’m really trying to be better guys. I realize this is no way to live eating like a first grader. I have been trying to cook more and found that I do actually like some vegetables. I mean they have to be cooked with bacon and a ton of garlic, but its a start right?!
Overall, The Avocado Factory was just as cute as can be. The food WAS good especially for people who eat well and like all that crap – I mean yummy healthy food. I think it is definitely worth a try if you are in Bali.