Skinny Bang Bang Shrimp Recipe
Football gatherings have begun! This is my favorite season! And I have to admit – it’s not because I am a hardcore football fan.. it’s because I am a MAJOR fan of game day snacks and appetizers. If I could live off of appetizers and snacks I totally would. I would take ranch dip and ruffles and sausage cheese bites over most hot meals! The first step is admitting. I am a snacker. I get it from my dad – it drives my husband insane. He doesn’t understand how it takes a whole day to eat a donut because you cut a section off at a time throughout the day. It’s a snack! haha!
Well now that football has started back up that means Sundays are snack days! Woo! *happy dance* I love to experiment and try new appetizers like a fun bacon cojita guacamole or cannoli stuffed strawberries (I die. SO GOOD). I am always trying to look for a decently healthy option for my meals. I think this easy Skinny Bang Bang Shrimp recipe is a total winner! I am not a huge fan of seafood, but my hubs loves it. My mom is EXTREMELY allergic so growing up I didn’t have it much and it has never really grown on me as I’ve gotten older. I could totally live without it. Being totally ga-ga in love for my husband I wanted to make this Bang Bang Shrimp just for him – but I actually ended up really liking it as well!
This recipe is so easy and so delicious – I had everyone asking me for the recipe! Be a crowd pleaser and make this yummy dish for game day!
1 lb of shrimp (I bought mini shrimp in the frozen section – total time saver and thawed out in minutes)
3 tablespoons of plain Chobani Greek Yogurt
2 tablespoons of sweet chili sauce (I used Frank’s – it’s the best!)
3/4 tablespoons of Sriracha Sauce (you can add more if you like it spicy)
3 tablespoons chopped green onion
- Cook shrimp according to package. I used frozen shrimp so I baked it in the oven at 350 degrees for 7-10 minutes. But you can grill your shrimp as well using skewers for about 2-3 minutes on each side.
- Mix together yogurt, sweet chili sauce, sriracha sauce, and green onion – set aside until shrimp is done cooking.
- Once shrimp is done cooking – fold shrimp in to mixture. Be sure to cover all shrimp liberally. Serve Immediately.
- Enjoy with family and friends. Cheer loud for your team!